Thursday 26 January 2012

Catch up time!

Woaahh... So, totally forgot that I made this site! Woops!
Hello non-existent followers...
It may seem a bit silly, but even though I'm not actually talking to anyone, I kind of like blogging!

Anyways, down to buisness. Have just finished my Jan A2 exams... maths was hideous, which is kind of ironic as that's the one I was confident about xD And physics was... alright, surprisingly. So just the results and then June exams to go now. Yipee.

University application was done and sent off before Christmas. I've had 2 offers (Bristol and Nottigham) and an interview for Sheffield coming up, and am yet to hear back about the other two. Exciting times! I've already started getting stuff for my flat for when I move out. I'm really excited, but it will be strange! And mum gets a bit emotional whenever it's mentioned, bless her.

Some friendships have shifted recently, which is sad, but I think it's for the the best. And things have felt more relaxed since! I really appreciate the people I can trust, and definitely don't take them for granted! And that includes my gorgeous boyfriend - I really don't know what I'd do without him.

I don't really know what else to say after rambling on about nothing, so I shall end it here! Until the next time!

Friday 3 June 2011

Physics? Nahh ta

So... Me and my lovely friend Katie have our AS physics retake on Monday, so we though we'd spend the day at mine revising for it. It didn't quite go that way, though.. What actually happened was we pigged out (yum) and played Payday, because we're so cool like that. I do love my Katie, even though she does bully me. A lot. Ho hum!

I also helped my daddy buy a new suit... he looked so smart :') They grow up so fast :P

And I'm now sitting here listening to him readying Harry Potter to my little sister, putting plenty of funny voices on. It is very entertaining!

Again, sorry that this hasn't been the most interesting blog ever... When something exciting happens in my life, I'll let you know! XD

Jess <3

Tuesday 31 May 2011

First blog!!!

Hey guys!
So, have just set up this account with blogger and am still trying to work out how to use it!
It's half term at the moment, and my break so far has been spent revising for my Physics and English language exams, which I have to take on the first day back! They're interesting subjects though, so it's not so bad really.

I've also been looking into Cambridge University, as that's where I would love to go, after finishing 6th form and hopefully going on a gap year. Everything's still a bit daunting at the moment, it will be scary moving away from home and looking after myself, but exciting too.

I know that this has been very boring for a blog - but bare with me, I'm still trying to get the hang of it.

Jess <3